

Join Us in Celebrating the Arrival of the April Team!

Richmond Vale Academy, nestled in the heart of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, is excited as we welcome a vibrant and diverse new team to our 10 Months flagship program, “Volunteer Abroad in the Caribbean, Africa and Brazil”. This April, we are proud to introduce a group of five remarkable individuals who have come together... READ MORE

During this program, I learned to listen, to observe, to debate, practice my patience and tolerance

Here are some of the answers we got from former students who completed the 6 months Climate Activism program 1. Why did you decide to become a volunteer? VIVIAN – Uruguay: A long time ago I had this innocent idea that I wanted to make the world a better place, I wanted to go far... READ MORE

Our program is coming to an end!

We started in August 2023 – we have less than a month left, then the first ones leave and tell about their experiences here. The team has grown together and it become even harder to say goodbye. A brief look back at what we have achieved and learned: The first month allowed us to dive... READ MORE

Community Work in Georgetown

The 10 Months Volunteer Abroad Program focus on working together and teach you to understand situations and find solutions to support the social environment in the best way. In Richmond Vale Academy we are preparing for our 6 months project work in Africa. An important part of the program is the one-week community work, which... READ MORE

Richmond Vale Academy draws attention from Green Movement in U.S

St. Vincent’s RVA gets attention of Chicago’s green movement The climate and sustainable development programmes at Richmond Vale Academy (RVA) have attracted the attention of the green movement in Chicago and three students from that US city will enrol on scholarship next year. RVA has rehabilitated its facilities and fully reactivated its programmes following the... READ MORE

At Everything Vincy Expo, a case for climate adaptation

Dexter Williams (left) and Nemron Miller, right, of Richmond Vale Academy at the Everything Vincy Expo Plus in Arnos Vale on Thursday, Oc.t 26, 2023. At the Everything Vincy Expo Plus in Arnos Vale, two Vincentian men were sharing their education at Richmond Vale Academy (RVA) that has transformed their lives and put them on... READ MORE

The Journey of Being a Teacher in Africa

Alfredo back from 6 months in Malawi Teaching is a noble profession that holds the key to transforming societies and shaping the future. I dare say that nowhere is the impact of dedicated educators more evident than in Africa, a continent where education plays a crucial role in overcoming challenges and unlocking potential that in... READ MORE

Richmond Vale and the La Soufriere Volcano Eruption of 2021

The Richmond Vale Academy (RVA) focuses its training and volunteer program on developing awareness and capacity at the community level to have a positive impact on environmental challenges. We have developed our campus to be a model for sustainable living, with demonstration projects on energy, environment, food quality and security, and zero impact. Through our... READ MORE

Core Group Teacher in Mzimba, Malawi Africa

Upon arrival I decided to join the sports and culture responsibility area. I thought this would be a great way to interact with the students while also having some fun. During my first week at campus we arranged to have a meeting where the committee explained the activities that usually take place. Most of them... READ MORE

I always felt something fundamental was missing in my life

A connection to the earth that is absent in rigid societies. I wanted a meaningful purpose during my time on this planet, so I applied to Richmond Vale Academy. A unique school focused on regenerative, symbiotic, and regenerative relationships with nature. Imagine flying to the stunning Caribbean island of Saint Vincent, where the isolated school... READ MORE

U.S. Ambassador to Bridgetown Visits Richmond Vale Academy, St. Vincent

On July 7, U.S. Ambassador to Bridgetown, Linda Taglialatela, accompanied by other officials including USAID/ESC Regional Representative, Clinton D. White visited the Richmond Vale Academy (RVA) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. While on that tour, the delegation learned about the recovery process since the eruption of the La Soufriere volcano in April 2021. They... READ MORE