Completed Projects

Meet some of the people who make the Richmond Vale Academy mission possible.

Relief Aid

Relief Aid

The La Soufriere, Volcano erupted on April 9th, 2021 and 20.000 people had to evacuate to the southern part of St Vincent. Many had to leave their homes, farms and livelihoods behind. 

Restoration of the LA Soufriere Cross Country Trail

Restoration of the LA Soufriere Cross Country Trail

The La Soufriere Cross Country Trail winds its way from sea level up to the top of the 4.048 ft volcano. The trail snakes across the width of St. Vincent and can be walked from either the Leeward or Windward coast. 

Tree Planting

Tree Planting

Richmond Vale Academy carries out major tree planting campaigns every year and around 30 000 trees have been planted since 2012. 

Stop Pollution

Stop Pollution

RVA engages each year in clean-ups and recycling actions to protect the environment. Several events and actions have been carried out such as the “Let’s Talk Green” events, beach and river cleanups, a bigger “Trash March” and a cleanup competition among Eight North Leeward Schools.

Ecological Farming At Belle Isle Correction Facility

Ecological Farming At Belle Isle Correction Facility

“The experience was wonderful. I got to learn a lot from the inmates while at the same time they also learnt from me. I gained a lot of respect and trust from them during my time there. They became like family because we interacted while learning at the same time,” RVA Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) graduate Emris Stapleton. 

Boosting Food Security in the Home Garden Movement

Boosting Food Security in the Home Garden Movement

The first thing we did after the pandemic reached our corner of the world was to take immediate care of all staff and students in the academy. But after a five weeks lockdown, adapting to the new situation we thought now was the time to take a look at all the Vincentians we work with in the communities. 

Food and Water Security: “The Pass-It-On Sustainable Home Garden Project” -Book

Food and Water Security: “The Pass-It-On Sustainable Home Garden Project” -Book

The main authors of this book are the garden farmers, these authors all dared to believe they could become garden farmers. They became garden farmers and then authors published in this new book we all made together. We see nothing small about small farmers: We se e big solutions to big problems.

How to Build a Biogas Plant

How to Build a Biogas Plant

By Alexandra: Biogas is a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, called also anaerobic digestion. It is produced from biodegradable materials and more than half of the resulting gas is methane. 


RVA supports Rural Ecological Farm to be Powered by Renewable Energy

Chatoyer Garden’s ecological farm is located up Maloney, nestled high up in the lush, verdant mountains of Vermont. Named after Chief Joseph Chatoyer, the National hero of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; honored for his resistance against the colonial forces to protect his beloved homeland Hairouna.